Wednesday, December 19, 2007


The new members of the Town Board (Sonja Brown, Kevin Morgan and Town Clerk Judith Beville and I) will begin our new terms of office with two swearing in ceremonies at local schools: Bailey School ( Thursday, January 3rd at 9:15 AM), NY School for the Deaf (Friday, January 4th at 9:15 AM). The first Town Board meeting of 2008 will take place on Wednesday January 9th at 7:30 PM.

The first meeting of the citizens budget/management committee will take place on Thursday evening, January 10 at 7:15 PM at Town Hall. If you have management/budget experience and would like to get involved in the budget/management committee please e mail me your resume:

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

meeting on January 14th at 7:30 PM at OPORTO'S TO DISCUSS E HARTSDALE AVE PARKING

THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE AFFECTED BY PARKING RULES ON EAST HARTSDALE AVENUE. At a meeting of the Town Board held on Monday, December 17, the Board acted to rescind the Snow Parking regulations that they adopted for East Hartsdale Avenue on November 28. The action was taken in response to requests from the Chief of Police and Commissioner of Public Works who indicated that the law both endangered the public safety and hindered snow removal operations. During two comparatively insignificant events occurring on December 13 and December 16, vehicles that remained parked on the street long after Snow Emergencies had been declared, hampered snow removal operations. Addressing this required the assignment of substantial police resources, taking them away from other public safety duties within the township. The Snow Parking regulations that previously applied to East Hartsdale Avenue have been reinstituted. These prohibit the parking of vehicles December 1 through March 15 from 1:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. The new signs have already been removed and notices advising of the change will be distributed to retailers and residential buildings along the avenue. Press releases to the Journal News and Scarsdale Inquirer are also being prepared and warnings will be placed on cars parked on the avenue during the overnight hours through Sunday, December 23, after which enforcement of the 1:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. ban will begin. The Police department is inviting interested parties to a meeting scheduled for Monday, January 14 at 7:30 p.m. at the Oporto Restaurant, 187 East Hartsdale Avenue to further discuss this matter and solicit additional opinions as to what can be done to address the parking situation on East Hartsdale Avenue.
Chief John Kapica

Thursday, November 29, 2007


We have received a shock this year with the 2008 budget. It is also a wake-up call. We all, myself, the Town Council, and members of the staff and also the public, had become a bit spoiled, and now we learned that revenues and ratables are falling while expenses keep going up at a faster rate than we realized. It will require tight controls in all areas of the town government. It will also require a fresh look at our operations to see how we can be more efficient and to see what fundamental changes can be made to improve the town’s financial position now and in the future.

As soon as the new Town Board takes office next month, I will ask the Board to create a management committee to review all aspects of our operations. That committee wil be totally non-political. We have in town many executives and company managers and I hope that we will enlist them on this committee. I would expect this committee to do an up and down examination of each department to review systems, work practices, personnel, benefit programs, and the like. We need to know what various programs cost and whether they should be eliminated or scaled back. It will help all of us -- your government and also the public -- to be much smarter about what we do and how we do it. I would expect this committee to report back to the Town Board before the next budget season so that the Town Board has the time to study the recommendations and implement them, if appropriate.

I know that there will be some upset among our staff. However, as I said we have received a wake-up call, and we need to respond. If we do not, the large tax hike next year will be a preview of coming attractions, and we cannot allow that. Taxes can be controlled in several ways, but the principal one is to reduce spending by modernizing our operations and making them more efficient and realistic. If we do not act immediately the town will suffer greatly. This is a major step to prevent this from happening.

Interested in joining the committee? E mail me your bio at


The Town Board unanimously voted to temporarily modify the snow parking rules on e Hartsdale Ave, as recommended by the E Hartsdale Ave parking committee.

Monday, November 26, 2007


Proposed Change to
Snow Parking Rules on
East Hartsdale Avenue

Deliberations on the proposed changes to the Snow Parking Rules for East Hartsdale Avenue will continue during the Town Board Meeting on Wednesday, November 28, 2007, which will begin at 7:15 p.m. You are invited to attend the meeting and make your feelings known to the Town Board. The proposed change would allow overnight parking at the metered spots on East Hartsdale Avenue during the winter months unless a Snow Emergency is declared. No parking would be allowed on the avenue throughout the entire period a Snow Emergency remains in effect. This, of course, could occur anytime during the day or night and will apply outside of the December 1 through March 15 period during which the existing Snow parking rules are in effect. Since this change WILL affect all residents and retailers on East Hartsdale Avenue, you are encouraged to attend the November 28 meeting of the Board and express your opinion on the proposal.

For additional information, contact the office of the Greenburgh Town Clerk at 993-1500.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


In Westchester, Cleaning Up After One Flood While Planning for the Next
Published: November 13, 2007
GREENBURGH, N.Y. — At the First Unitarian Society of Westchester, at the foot of a dead-end road here, there are signs that the congregation is finally patching itself up after a devastating flood in April, one that ravaged parts of the East Coast and was one of the worst in the county’s history.
Inside, the Rev. David M. Bryce, the minister, worked at his computer in a freshly painted office with new floors and baseboards that had replaced waterlogged ones. Outside, red nylon straps secured an oil tank to a concrete slab, and newly sown grass seed was starting to sprout. The tank had floated around the property during the flood, spilling its contents and causing soil contamination that cost tens of thousands of dollars to repair.
Mr. Bryce is not sanguine about the future, however. The church had to use most of a $100,000 fund earmarked for a major expansion to pay for the repairs, which were not covered by insurance. The expansion is now on hold.
“The issue it raised was, do we want to stay here and can we stay here, and if not, where do we go?” he said. “Frankly, I’m a believer in global warming, and I think floods are going to be more common. We’re in a valley here.”
Across Westchester County, as throughout much of the New York City region, residents and business owners in recent years have come to worry about flood damage every year.
County officials said the April flood caused damage to homes, businesses and public infrastructure that easily amounted to tens of millions of dollars. Local governments applied to the Federal Emergency Management Agency for more than $26 million in disaster aid, said David Novich, a spokesman for the county’s Department of Emergency Services.
Most of the businesses that were forced to close after the storm have reopened, and houses have long since dried out. Officials in Westchester are trying to get ahead of the problem, and have included a $50 million reserve fund in the proposed county budget to help communities pay for flood-mitigation projects over the next five years.
In the meantime, a flood task force appointed by the county executive, Andrew J. Spano, has been meeting to devise criteria to determine how and where the money will be spent.
He said the combination of new construction and increased precipitation in the last several years posed challenges for Westchester, which is laced with rivers and flanked by the Long Island Sound and the Hudson.
“No one has a single solution for all this,” Mr. Spano said in a phone interview. “Because of development, a lot of the sponges, or areas that normally would absorb water, have been taken away. What I wanted to do was get this on a more scientific basis and get some reality into doing something.”
The New York region has been awash in recent years. The rainfall total at Central Park for the year, through Sunday, was 54.07 inches; the 30-year average total for the same period is 42.95 inches. “The past few years have been slightly wet to a lot wet,” said Jeff Warner, a meteorologist at Pennsylvania State University.
Kathleen A. Miller, a scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., said flood damage had been on the rise worldwide as a result of population growth and development on flood plains. In recent years, the intensity of the rainfall in the United States has increased as well.
“We have already seen warming,” Dr. Miller said, “and as that warming ramps up in the future, we’ll see an increase in this pattern of heavier precipitation. If the storm track is coming your way, it’s likely to be carrying more moisture.”
Westchester County has not tracked flooding levels across the decades, but some local officials said that they have noticed drastic increases in floodwater in recent years. “I moved here in 1950, and I live right near the Sheldrake River,” said Valerie M. O’Keeffe, the Mamaroneck town supervisor. “It has never flooded like this — never, never, never. We had to take people out with Payloaders.”
Paul J. Feiner, supervisor of the town of Greenburgh, agreed. Along East Hartsdale Avenue in Greenburgh, the flooding was so severe in April that some businesses and houses were inundated with eight or nine feet of water. A few businesses, including a laundry and a Chinese restaurant, closed for good.
“I grew up in the area, and they’ve always had little floods, but nothing major,” Mr. Feiner said. “The problem is these hundred-year storms are happening every 5 or 10 years.”
Jennifer von Eiff and her husband, Warren, who live near the convergence of the Mamaroneck and Sheldrake Rivers in the village of Mamaroneck, frantically bailed oil-contaminated water from their basement during the flood.
The water had seeped up from the ground, Mrs. von Eiff said, and once it receded, the couple had to replace some wallboard and part of a staircase.
Mrs. von Eiff, a legal assistant, has lived in the pea-green split-level house on Jefferson Avenue for 50 years. She said that the April flood marked the first time that water had ever entered the house. She has since purchased four life jackets for the couple’s dachshund and three cocker spaniels. She said she wanted to be prepared for the possibility of an even worse flood that could force her family to evacuate.
"It’s very stressful," she said. "You really never get a comfort level back again."
Jerry Mulligan, commissioner of the county’s Department of Planning, said that the new flood-mitigation money, which is subject to approval by the Board of Legislators, is not intended to “repair or restore” buildings that have been damaged by floods.
“The objective of the county spending is to reduce flooding problems and the impacts they have on people and property throughout Westchester,” he said. “We’re past the point where we can solve the flooding problem. What the task force is wrestling with right now is to define clearly the kinds of things the county will get involved in.”
Westchester officials said they want to make sure that the communities that are awarded the money for a specific project are doing their part to curb flooding through land-use regulations and storm-water management. Ideally, Mr. Mulligan said, a flood-prevention project like the creation of a detention basin would have an impact beyond a single town or village.
“Flooding cannot be looked at on the basis of a street or neighborhood or municipality, because you need to understand where the water is coming from,” Mr. Mulligan said. “We want to know what benefit a project would have on a watershed basis.”
Ms. O’Keeffe, the Mamaroneck supervisor and a member of the flood task force, praised the county for providing the money. “People are very frustrated,” she said. “They want it fixed now. But unfortunately, local government doesn’t have the money to solve the problem. Once you get the Army Corps of Engineers involved, it can take years. The county money is unique in that it can be used quickly to do something practical.”
Others, however, believe the flooding problem is so extensive that the $50 million is just a starting point.
“If we could leverage money from the federal government and Albany, then the $50 million could become $200 million or more, and then we could really make a difference,” Mr. Feiner said. “Even in a residential neighborhood, to address any flooding you’re talking in the millions of dollars for a small project."

Friday, October 12, 2007


The bakery has re-opened on E Hartsdale Ave. The store had been closed since the spring flood.
The fitness center re-opened in September. There are 3 stores that are still vacant.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


The tree stump on E Hartsdale Ave (near the liquor store) is scheduled to be removed this week. I am planning to wage an aggressive effort to beautify E Hartsdale Ave, to cut weeds on sidewalks --give the street a more attractive look.
Interested in helping out? Call me at 478-1219 or e mail me at


Reports of the demise of the fitness center on E Hartsdale Ave were obviously greatly exaggerated. The center is scheduled to re-open in the fall.
The bakery is also scheduled to re-open.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Hartsdale Farms re-opened this weekend. The bakery is scheduled to re-open tomorrow. The street is coming back.

The Scarsdale Inquirer wrote a great article about our new jazz concert series--calling E Hartsdale a "hip".

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


The Town Bd interviewed 3 qualified consulting firms on Tuesday to conduct a study of E Hartsdale Ave flooding and to make recommendations. The meeting/interview was open to the public. I feel optimistic that we will come up with a good plan after we hire the consultants. The study, once authorized, will take about 5 months.

Monday, July 23, 2007


A sign at the bakery---the bakery will re-open on August 1. Good news!

Friday, July 20, 2007


The following finalists will be interviewed to conduct an engineering study that could help us reduce the possibility of another disaster on E Hartsdale Ave.
School-Depalma Consulting Engineers $65,277
Leonard Jackson Associates $60,880
Master Consulting Engineers $86,300
Each responded to an RFP. The town is interested in retaining a consultant experienced in the hydrologic and hydraulic analyses of watersheds, floodplains and streams.
The meeting will take place this Tuesday at Greenburgh Town Hall, 4:15 PM.
The meeting is open to the public.

Thursday, July 12, 2007


UniStar Credit Union will have a ribbon cutting ceremony on E Hartsdale Ave today from 4-5 PM. This Saturday morning they will sponsor an opening party at their new offices --just seconds away from the E Hartsdale Ave jazz concerts. Free hot dogs and sodas will be given out.

Monday, July 9, 2007


The jazz concert this past Saturday afternoon was a big success. Carl Burnett Power Trio provided the community with awesome music and entertainment. The concerts will continue every Saturday from noon to 2 at DeSanti Plaza.
Next year -- should we also hold some concerts in the evening on the avenue?

Sunday, July 8, 2007

AWESOME CONCERT-- the first jazz concert was held this past Saturday at DeSanti Plaza. A good turnout. Outstanding music. Lots of people spent lots of time on the Avenue-- which was the goal of the concert.
The concert series continue next Saturday.

Friday, July 6, 2007


I had a great meeting with Toby Ritter, landlord of many of the businesses on East Hartsdale Ave. He provided me with positive, confidential information about the future of the avenue and advised me that he anticipates no long term vacancies on the avenue. GOOD NEWS!

Thursday, July 5, 2007


REMINDER: The summer jazz concert series begins this Saturday at noon to 2 PM at DeSanti Plaza (across from Starbucks).
Carl Burnett Power Trio

Monday, July 2, 2007


I am requesting that the town purchase attractive new banners that can be placed on poles on E Hartsdale Ave advertising the fact that the street is open for business. We need to work harder to attract more people to the street.

Friday, June 29, 2007


Hezi Aris of the Westchester Times Tribune has offered E Hartsdale merchants an opportunity to collectively advertise in the Westchester Times Tribune-a quarter page ad between them B&W. Thank you, Hezi! The circulation of this paper is 20,000 in newsprint, 9,000 more on Westchester Tiems Tribune website and 52,000 on Yonkers Tribune website.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Hartsdale Farms to open today...sports club gets permit...farmer's market opens Saturday

Hartsdale Farms will re-open today, according to our building inspector. The NY Sports Club filed their building permit application and should re-open soon. And, the farmer's market begins on Saturday from 9-2.
We haven't heard from the bakery...K Fung's...

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


A great citizen suggestion--we should WIFI E Hartsdale Ave. Provide the avenue with free WIFI internet service.
Take your computer to the train station.
Take your computer to Lia's, Harry's, the pizzeria or Starbuck's.
Take your computer to the parking area while waiting for a spouse or friend.
Many cities across the nation are providing free WIFI access. Greenburgh should do the same.


Yesterday, the Town Engineer (Mike Lepre) met with the Town Board. I asked Mike what he thought about a citizen suggestion--that the town make available pumps and sandbags to merchants in the event of a future storm.
Mike said that the suggestion is impractical and would not have helped merchants re: Flood damage.
THE TOWN BD IS REVIEWING ABOUT HALF A DOZEN PROPOSALS FROM CONSULTANTS RE: a flood study we will be commissioning. We want to come up with a plan of action for the avenue. What were the causes of the flood? What can be done--long term/short term?


July 7 Carl Burnett Power Trio
July 14 Richard Boukas Brazilian Jazz
July 21 Ed Cherry Organ Project
July 28 Bob Devos Trio
Aug 4 Carl Burnett Power Trio
Aug 11 Eddie Monteiro Trio
Aug 18 Kenny Lee All Stars
Aug 25 Harvie S Trio
SATURDAYS--12 to 2 PM, DeSanti Plaza, E Hartsdale Ave, Hartsdale (across from Starbucks)


Although many of the businesses on the avenue have come back, I have noticed that there has been very little activity at some of the vacant stores.
I am trying to contact the landlord of the vacant stores--and am suggesting that the town rent space on the avenue for a temporary library, in the event that some of the stores don't come back. We need more street traffic on the avenue.