Monday, November 26, 2007


Proposed Change to
Snow Parking Rules on
East Hartsdale Avenue

Deliberations on the proposed changes to the Snow Parking Rules for East Hartsdale Avenue will continue during the Town Board Meeting on Wednesday, November 28, 2007, which will begin at 7:15 p.m. You are invited to attend the meeting and make your feelings known to the Town Board. The proposed change would allow overnight parking at the metered spots on East Hartsdale Avenue during the winter months unless a Snow Emergency is declared. No parking would be allowed on the avenue throughout the entire period a Snow Emergency remains in effect. This, of course, could occur anytime during the day or night and will apply outside of the December 1 through March 15 period during which the existing Snow parking rules are in effect. Since this change WILL affect all residents and retailers on East Hartsdale Avenue, you are encouraged to attend the November 28 meeting of the Board and express your opinion on the proposal.

For additional information, contact the office of the Greenburgh Town Clerk at 993-1500.

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