Thursday, November 1, 2012

9500 out of power..2 con ed trucks

9,500 out of power...only 2 Con Ed crews. About half of Greenburgh is without power. About 9,500 powerless families. Con Ed has assigned two Con Ed crews to our town. Restoration of power is taking a very, very , very long time. We desperately need more Con Ed crews.

I spoke to an official at the office of Homeland Security yesterday. Also spoke with Congresswoman Lowey and wrote to the Governor’s office. GREENBURGH IS NOT GETTING THE SERVICE WE NEED TO RESTORE POWER.

This morning a resident of Fairview stopped me. His wife has LUNG CANCER. It’s cold in his house. Yesterday, I received a call from someone whose mother is terminally ill (staying at home) with BRAIN CANCER. She is also suffering because of the cold. Another man called me yesterday. A family member is recovering from brain surgery. The police chief and I stopped by at a constituents house in Hartsdale. Her father, also without power, has many illnesses including parkinson’s. Con Ed is not making special arrangements for those who are elderly, frail and very sick.

I have a suggestion—perhaps nursing homes/assisted living facilities would be willing to rent out vacant rooms short term until power is restored.

The town has opened up a 24 warming station at the Theodore Young Community Center. But, most people who are very sick don’t want to leave their homes. A new program is being set up –HOUSE/ANGELS. Cari Gardner of Hastings stopped by at my office yesterday to pick up an elderly woman who resides in Fairview and was without of power. She drove the woman to her house – and will be providing her with free shelter.

If you have a room and want to offer it to a resident – please advise me. If you want to stay with someone (provided I can find families willing to offer free room), please advise. My cell is 438 1343 –but it’s easier to e mail me:


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