Monday, December 19, 2011

should tax exempt properties pay for sanitation?

Not for profit properties are exempt from property taxes. Some communities in the region have created a separate enterprise fund and charge everyone a fee for sanitation services. The comptroller, Bart Talamani, has been looking into this concept for some time. If we collect a fee for sanitation services (instead of a tax), tax exempt properties would be charged for sanitation services--revenue that would keep taxes down. the town of Greenburgh is currently researching the number of tax exempts in town and are trying to determine the additional revenue that we would receive if this initiative is approved. An enterprise fund would also provide residents and businesses with choices: possible competition down the road. Residents and businesses would be able to easily compare the cost of our sanitation services to the private sector. What do you think? The property tax cap, which the NYS Legislature and Governor approved earlier this year, should motivate all officials to think out of the box --to look for new ways to manage government. The six villages in the town have their own sanitation services and would not be impacted by the decision of the town. However- they may be interested in this concept as well.

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