Friday, June 27, 2008


Welcome to our new blog about East Hartsdale Ave. We invite you to post comments about the avenue, to provide us with your suggestions and feedback. This blog is being organized by Marc Herman, a student intern in my office. Mr. Herman came up with the idea for the blog that I have been using for almost a year: That blog has had over 71,000 hits so far!
We will be providing all the merchants with the opportunity to post their own blog comments about their businesss--to promote their businesses, to tell us what they are doing, to air their gripes and suggestions, etc..We will also be using the blog to provide you with progress reports re: flooding and to tell you about happenings on the avenue, such as the jazz concerts.
THE GOAL: TO REVITALIZE OUR AVENUE--to make East Hartsdale a big success story.


Jimbo said...

your signs for this blog along the Avenue forgot a period between ehartsdale and blogspot:


hartsdalejewess said...

there needs to be change at the hartsdale parking authority. rates are too high. increases happen every year. there is no oversight. specifically people need to investigate how the money is used and contracts are awarded. during recent reconstruction work at the garages mainly illegal workers without citizenship were used.

the woman who runs the place stephanie needs to be investigated. what is her salary? why does she get free parking? there is no oversight!

S. Kavourias said...

The problem with blogs is that people hide behind their "user" names which to those reading the blogs is simply an anonymous posting. While some blogs promote positive issues, information and updates, every blog that comes out of the Town seems to promote an arena for spewing venom, bigotry, racism, personal attacks and misinformation. I don't know who "hartsdalejewess" is but I will respond to the many untruths in his/her recent posting.

1. The contracts for the HPPD renovations and improvements follow the NYS Labor laws; when did all laborers become illegal workers simply because they appear to be immigrants? Every one of them had a union card as required. Certified payrolls were provided to the HPPD for inspection by the employers of these laborers. It included names, DOB's and SS#. Every one of them was legal. Shame on you for assuming that all immigrants are illegal.

2. While I am not inclined to post my salary on a blog site, I can tell you that it is far below and Town department head and far below the national average as compared to my counterparts in the same area.

3. I generally walk to work as I live on East Hartsdale Avenue. When I do bring my car to work it is to attend meetings or conduct HPPD business outside of the area. While I don't pay for parking while using my vehicle for HPPD business, I also do not charge the HPPD for my gas and mileage. I think that is more than fair.

4. I am not the Stephanie who sits on the Greenburgh School Board. That Stephanie is Ms. Stephanie Bellino.

5. I volunteer as a Greenburgh resident - I sit on the Greenburgh Planning Board.

6. I don't "walk around the area like I own it". My responbilities require that I continually inspect all of our sites and operations. I also live on EHA so I am in the area quite often - I think it is my right to walk around my own neighborhood.

7. The HPPD is user supporter. It was set up this way by the State so that it would not be an expense to all Greenburgh residents, most of whom do not utilitze it's services. I doubt that most Greenburgh residents would want to subsidize the $7.5 million bond/debt service (not including interest) over the next 20 years for the recent improvements to our 2 garages. I also doubt that they would be ineterested in adding opertating expenses to their tax bills for services they rarely if ever utilize.

8. The HPPD does not operate in a vacuum. In accordance with the FOIL laws, our records are open to inspection and our meetings are open to the public as well. We have a web-site which is There is also a link to our web-site on the Town's web-site. We undergo an annual audit by an independent accounting firm, our financials are reviewed every year by the Office of the State Comptroller and the auditors of Town of Greenburgh as we were created byt eh State as a special district operating withing the boundaries of the Town.

Stephanie Kavourias
Executive Director - HPPD

highpointbaby said...

just to add my two cents i saw all mexicans and latin americans working on the parking garage reconstruction. if these people were legal they were not english speakers! they were being bossed around always by some italian looking guy with jersey plates on his pick up.

S. Kavourias said...

What a sad comment. My father was an immigrant, from Greece. Although he understood English, he did not speak it very well. Believe it or not, he was a legal citizen. Not all immigrants speak English well. Not all Mexicans and Latin Americans are illegal. This project had local, county and state labor oversight. OSHA and Union inspectors were at the site all the time to make sure that the contractors were using union laborers. Every one of them, including those who didn't speak very good English, are legal US citizens and also union workers. Most of them have been with the contractor for years. There were absolutely no day laborers on our project. The "Italian" boss you refer to is actually an immigrant from Croatia-and yes, he is a US citizen!'s 2007 - do we still judge every book by it's cover?

WhitikersPharmacy said...

i have taken the metronorth train at hartsdale station for 45 years. the previous poster was right. the workers i saw on this job site for months were all honduran and gautamalan. maybe some mexican. they spoke no english. the odds of them being american i think are slim to none. in fact, i am bilingual and spent several years working for the world bank in latin america, waiting for the train one day one chap told me he was from guatamala city. the odds of these people being like greek or italian immigrants is absurd. i see so many poor unemployed people in our town. i wonder why we didint hire them? why didint mrs. stephanie stipulate in any construction bid that a certain percentage of workers needed to be local hires? also, i find it wrong that she states she gets free parking yet lives on hartsdale avenue. her spots behind harry's should be turned over to the authority for meter use and she should park where there is excess parking in D site by the northbound tracks.

S. Kavourias said...

How long has it been since the last blogger visited the garage? I haven't had a space behind Harry's in nearly 2 years. I almost always walk to work. I only drive when my job requires me to. The spots behind Harry's were converted to handicap/metered parking spaces nearly a year ago!

Read the comment again, I never said they were Greek imigrants. They were mexican, croatian, puerto rican, etc...all legal!

The GC for the Site A contract actually lives in Greenburgh as do 3 of his employees. Our architect is a Hartsdale Resident - he's lived in Hartsdale for over 40 years!

As to hiring illegal immigrants - wholly untrue. Every contractor had legal workers. As required by law, our contracts went out to open bid...the HPPD did not directly hire any employees. No stipulation about hiring local residents and not withing HPPD jurisdiction. We followed the letter of the law as it pertains to capital improvement projects and open bidding.

villageboard said...

i have to say when i have gone to big top i often see you parked and getting out of your car there i suppose you are feeding the meeters like all of us? in terms of who did what work on the renovation, perhaps the town board can do a review to see if these allegations have any legs?

Todd said...


does anyone know an open date or any additional info besides them getting some kind of permit.

New Deli Experiance-

Anyone else think this place is great besides me. It's nice to have a place to get smoothies and other healthy foods

Garbage Cans-

It would be nice to have a couple of more garbage cans on the sidewalk. Sometimes I find myself walking 3 blocks with garbage in my hand. Obviosly I can wait until I get into my apartment, but it would be quite convenient to have a couple of more cans. It would definetly keep our streets cleaner too.

hartsdalejewess said...

if there are any citizens who have any information on who did what work on the hartsdale parking district renovation please our town supervisor paul finer.

hartsdalejewess said...

if there are any citizens who have any information on who did what work on the hartsdale parking district renovation please email our town supervisor paul finer.

M. Perez said...

Good grief. hartsdalejewess is the very reason why these blogs are not ideal. Why do you insist on creating various blogs all with similar information? It only gives the kooks like hartsdalejewess more forums to spew hate. He/she has posted the same crap on your other blog. Now she’s (I’ll bet money it’s a she) trying to get you involved in it by trying to refer people to you to support her bigotry. Stop the insanity!

Hartsdalejewess aka anonymous & various different blogger names & coward:
Do you think that you're anonymous on the internet? You may. You sound dumb enough to think it.

Do us all a favor and crawl back under your rock. You are an awful, stupid person. Do you really think Paul cares what you, an obvious racist, thinks?

I really hate knowing that a neighbor of mine in Hartsdale, is so totally classless. I pray that you’ll move. At the very least, seek professional help. You sound like you need it.

ralphlaurenVP said...

paul, as a town resident what is the method to ask the board to review the renovation of the garages at the hpd? also maybe we can request a review of all of thier business for the past few years?i think its time for oversight?

tomwestchester said...

what a great time ewe had at greenburgh day

everything was great

my kids loved the pony rides

the clam bake was great


Lanky said...

NewYork SPorts CLub

Dooes anyone know when NYSC is going to open? SOmeone asked before, but there was no comment back!

Unknown said...

I think that it is terrific that everything is coming back... a fresh wave of new things/business's are serving as icing on the cake!
Paul, where can we find an update on NYSC and/or the HSBC space?
Or even the upcoming parking restricion season?
FYI: As not continually readdress the distaste of some previous postings, Paul/Stephanie please don't feel obligated to feed into the anonymous ignorance... as we all may hold the questions, its just clarity that we we need. Without, there's obvious frustration... immature or not. Thx...

naomiHARTSDALE said...

why is someone not allowed to express distate for the way the hartsdale parking district is being run? is there something wrong with you people who post here? or are all the positive postings friends and relatives of stephanie?

as a 30 years hartsdale avenue resident i would like to see the district investigated on a county or state level. and i would like to see the parking district be moved under the authority of town government directly.

we need direct oversight of this agency. i also think we need an ivestigation into how the parking lot renovation was done. if illegal workers were hired they need to be held accountable.

banan said...

Clearly the HPPD and Chief John Kapica don't care a bit about residents. The parking authority should be disbanded immediately and replaced with by officials who (a) care about residential parking, (b) have a plan to increase the number of spaces and permits, (c) offer renewels in a modern and efficient manner, and (d) replace the current outdated meters with munimeters or charge-card meters or other devices that don't making parking into the excruciating hassle it's become in this town.

Get rid of the HPPD now!

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