Wednesday, December 19, 2007


The new members of the Town Board (Sonja Brown, Kevin Morgan and Town Clerk Judith Beville and I) will begin our new terms of office with two swearing in ceremonies at local schools: Bailey School ( Thursday, January 3rd at 9:15 AM), NY School for the Deaf (Friday, January 4th at 9:15 AM). The first Town Board meeting of 2008 will take place on Wednesday January 9th at 7:30 PM.

The first meeting of the citizens budget/management committee will take place on Thursday evening, January 10 at 7:15 PM at Town Hall. If you have management/budget experience and would like to get involved in the budget/management committee please e mail me your resume:

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

meeting on January 14th at 7:30 PM at OPORTO'S TO DISCUSS E HARTSDALE AVE PARKING

THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE AFFECTED BY PARKING RULES ON EAST HARTSDALE AVENUE. At a meeting of the Town Board held on Monday, December 17, the Board acted to rescind the Snow Parking regulations that they adopted for East Hartsdale Avenue on November 28. The action was taken in response to requests from the Chief of Police and Commissioner of Public Works who indicated that the law both endangered the public safety and hindered snow removal operations. During two comparatively insignificant events occurring on December 13 and December 16, vehicles that remained parked on the street long after Snow Emergencies had been declared, hampered snow removal operations. Addressing this required the assignment of substantial police resources, taking them away from other public safety duties within the township. The Snow Parking regulations that previously applied to East Hartsdale Avenue have been reinstituted. These prohibit the parking of vehicles December 1 through March 15 from 1:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. The new signs have already been removed and notices advising of the change will be distributed to retailers and residential buildings along the avenue. Press releases to the Journal News and Scarsdale Inquirer are also being prepared and warnings will be placed on cars parked on the avenue during the overnight hours through Sunday, December 23, after which enforcement of the 1:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. ban will begin. The Police department is inviting interested parties to a meeting scheduled for Monday, January 14 at 7:30 p.m. at the Oporto Restaurant, 187 East Hartsdale Avenue to further discuss this matter and solicit additional opinions as to what can be done to address the parking situation on East Hartsdale Avenue.
Chief John Kapica